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詩篇37篇 3−5節






















定休日: 木曜日、日曜日



〒904-0301 沖縄県中頭郡読谷村座喜味2648-7 



Deep inside Yachimun village (Yachimun means ceramics in Okinawa dialect) , a cafe called Clay, with traditional red roof tile, opened in November 2020.


When we entered the cafe, we were greeted by beautiful ceramics, which were created by So’s father, Kyoshi Matsuda.

The name “Clay” means that food, ceramics, and people are all created from “Clay” and hoping new ideas, visions give birth at this place. ”Through window, we can see Heaven's Church right across the path which his mother, Itoe Matsuda serves as a pastor. Matsuda family is deeply involved in the local community through ceramic studio, running a cafe and releasing the blessing of God.


It was natural for So who grew up in such an environment to have a desire dedicating his life to God and blessing the community through business. 


His favorite bible verses are

Psalm 37: 3-5

Trust in the Lord and do good;

    dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.

Take delight in the Lord,

    and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Commit your way to the Lord;

 trust in him and he will do this:


So’s thoughts became more realistic when he met a New Zealand minister. He was blessing community through his business.


When So returned to Okinawa at age 26 after short stay in Osaka for 4 years, He got married. At that time So’s father suggested to him about opening Cafe. It was natural for So to take this idea as he loves being involved in F&B  and interacting with people. 


Since then, he have met a team of architects, who have given him various ideas. And when he shared his dream with friends at the church, they were excited about this dream and express desires to join him.  Involving the people around, things moved forward much faster than he expected. With help of others, dream became bigger than So could ever do it by himself.


He wants to bless community through this cafe and grow as a father and owner of cafe, with his staffs.


In the future, So wants to make a mission trip with cafe staff. Own a coffee plantation and work for regional revitalization. He is full of dreams and creative ideas as his name represents (So means to create in Japanese). We had enjoyable time talking with him and hearing his stories.

I had beef curry, latte, and homemade cake on that day. It was a delicious lunch served on beautiful handmade Yachimun. 


Clay will be a place where many dreams will be born.  Please come, enjoy food and receive dreams from God who created you. 

Genesis 2;7

Then the Lord God formed a man

 from the dust of the ground 

and breathed into his nostrils 

the breath of life, 

and the man became 

a living being.


Opening Hours

11:00~18:00( Last order17:30)

Close: Thursdays , Sundays 



Postal code :904-0301

2648-7 Zakimi, Yomitan, Nakagami District, Okinawa 



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