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 プレイズコーヒーは沖縄プレイズチャーチという教会の中にある。週2日のみ開店する、ちょっと変わったカフェである。その始まりはママカフェという、子育てにいそがしい近所のお母さんが安心して一息つける場所として2017年に始まった。副牧師でもありバリスタをつとめる池原仰一さんはある日、オンラインサロンの前田裕二さん(日本の若き実業家)がある牧師さんに話しているのを聞いた。”一般の人は教会の中で何が起きているかわからない、一度入ると出ていけない感じがある” と。そんなコメントを聞き、その壁を取り除きたいという想いが与えられた。














〒901-1415 沖縄県南城市佐敷新開-1-320




カフェ型子育てサロン ”ママカフェ”



Praise Coffee is a unique cafe which opens only two days a week and is located inside the Okinawa Praise Church. It started in 2017 as Mama Cafe, a place where mothers in the neighbourhood can come with their children and could be relaxed at the peaceful cafe. One day, Associate pastor Koichi, who started Praise coffee heard Mr. Yuji Maeda (Young Japanese businessman) speaks at his online salon advising one Japanese pastor saying"The general public does not know what is happening inside the wall of the church and they feel once you enter the church, you cannot leave.”


Koichi then thought how he can remove this wall of misunderstanding.Cafe is a great way to connect with the community and break this misunderstanding. The coffee which was initially provided for free of charge now being priced properly and be reflected to productively involved in the community. "Churches often offer things for free as voluntary actions, but sometimes that appears to be suspicious," he says.

As a matter of fact, it seems that the number of customers  has increased after charging the coffee price.


When you enter the cafe, the fragrance of coffee welcomes you. Handmade interiors of the store are mostly done by his father, professional coffee magazines are on the bookshelf. Mothers are relaxing and enjoying coffee with their children playing with toys under the Cross at the worship hall. it seems like a paradise where families can enjoy themselves with peace in their mind while being protected by God.



Koichi says that he wants to change the worldview of christians through the work of brewing delicious coffee. The coffee brewed here is of high quality and certified. It also gives solid reward for the maker incorporating an inflow system. From producers to processors and consumers, he wants to create the business system that the value of each work is well recognised. God's love and the gospel are not cheap and that is what he wants to share with people around him.  Koichi’s heart and passion are slowly realising at this cafe. I felt that Praise Coffee was the place where many people would be touched by God's love.



Today I had a flavourful coffee called La-primavera,  barrel aged coffee from Colombia. Thank you Koichi for sharing your love and work with people around you!

Praise Coffee

Shinkai-1-320 Sashiki, Nanjo, Okinawa 901-1415

Tue 10:00 - 17:00

Thu 13:00 - 18:00

Mama Cafe 

Thu 10:30 - 12:30



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Our Story

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