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You will love Shiro, who is Okinawan and his wife Kirsten from South Africa when you meet them. They run a mango orchard in Motobu Town, in the northern part of Okinawa. This mango orchard is located about halfway up Yaedake (Yae-mountain: one of the highest mountains in Okinawa).


You can see pink patches of Okinawa cherry blossom in the mountain in January and fireflies everywhere in their garden in June. The sky is full of stars at night and full of butterflies in the daytime. This place displays beauty - a collaboration of God’s creation and works of human hands. 


Izumi Mango Orchard was started by Shiro’s parents. Back then, mango was not a common fruit to grow in Okinawa, but currently there are many farmers growing mangoes. Shiro and Kirsten are constantly studying, researching, and putting into practice, how to improve the quality of the mangoes grown here.


Shiro and Kirsten’s days are packed throughout the seasons: Taking care of trees; trimming branches; pruning fruits, applying fertilizer, watching over pollination, pest management, temperature control by opening and closing the vinyl house roof top and sides; etc…. In between all this, they have visitors: neighbours come to share harvests from their vegetable farm; people visit who need to talk to them; friends pop in for fellowship time, fellow Mango farmers come over to share some good information or learn at their farm while other people come and help their farming. We are one of the groups of volunteers coming in to help them. Helping this mango farm to grow beautiful mangoes or making beautiful gardens by getting our hands dirty, sweating away through physical work, is a true joy for us. Many people who come and help them feel the same, as we all know how much Shiro and Kirsten put their passion and love into this place to grow beautiful and delicious mangoes.


Their Mangoes are like piece of Art! 


At this beautiful mango farm, Shiro and Kirsten open their home to do Kids Church every Friday night. In 2016, God spoke to Shiro asking “Who is going to share the gospel to your daughters and their friends?” Again and again he heard this word. He responded to that calling and Kids Church was started by 2 families. Now they have 12 children from 7 families who get together with their mothers to worship God. You can hear their voices together with Shiro’s Rock’nRoll guitar resonating in the mountain every week. Coming to Kids Church, you see the families in Christ live the life together right before your eyes. This is family! 


Four years ago, Shiro and Kirsten started Phumula Guest Cottage within the mango farm property. 

This is a place for you to come and rest as the word Phumula, which is a Zulu word in South Africa, means to rest or to enjoy relaxing. 

Talk with your friends or family around a bonfire, stargaze at night, listen to the sound of bird calls and read books in this peaceful, tranquil mountain setting. Come and stay ! 



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Our Story

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Online resource

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